Start a Forex Brokerage and never look back
Its your time to take charge
Base for a successful setup
The three pillars
Location, location, location
Trained human resources
Internal control
Competitive advantage
External control
Transparent iphone
Your own structure, or with a partner
Your choice
Within the EU
Display strength
Less restrictions
Grow from within
Start a Forex Brokerage and never look back
Its your time to take charge
Base for a successful setup
The three pillars
Location, location, location
Trained human resources
Internal control
Competitive advantage
External control
Transparent iphone
Your own structure, or with a partner
Your choice
Within the EU
Display strength
Less restrictions
Grow from within
Most popular choices among investors
who want to start a forex brokerage

Pick only the services you will need. No forced integrations, no limitations. Run as robust or lean, as your business requires.


Choose a complete solution off-the-shelf. Limited customization capabilities, but robust and state of the art setup

How to start a forex brokerage
simplified operational chain
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
start a forex brokerage
Supporting brokers for over a decade in EU and abroad
through customised packages that fit any type
RED1,500/caseTime frame: 2 weeks

We will discuss your case

Make recommendations on next steps, formulate a strategy that everyone agrees with

Decide on suitable partners and broker your requirements (up to 5 recorded hours)

Introduce, connect and support the setup of your structure

Most Popular
GREY5,000/caseTime frame: 1 month

Get everything in RED

Complete in-house evaluation of current broker setup

Review and input of findings in the allFX-Consult model

Presentation of key findings with proposed steps of execution

Suggested add-on – Business Intelligence (BI) reporting (additional fees apply)

BLACK25,000/startingTime frame: 2+ months

Get everything in GREY

Coordinate some or all of the below as required:

Research and Business Plan

Register a company (with license or not)

Banking (Direct or other)

Branding, Website & Marketing

Technology (Platforms, CRM, Reporting)

PSPs & Wallets

Human Resources & staffing

Educate yourself on EU and Offshore Jurisdictions
with their requirements


With medium costs and strong regulatory framework, one of the best options for EU regulations


Not for the faint at heart, expensive setup but the best way to get into the Middle East


With local office and employee prerequisites, medium sized capital requirements, great incentives


With medium sized capital requirements that can later be used for operations and a corporate account


With high license renewal costs and capital requirements, ensuring that only the strong will survive


With low capital requirements, fast and cost effective setup to get regulated


Local office (after the amendment act of 2018) is now a must but with no capital requirements

Start a forex brokerage
in three simple steps
Step 1
Contact us – You’re only but a click away from joining the biggest market in the world
Step 2
We will form a plan – understand the risks, the rewards, choose wisely not emotionally
Step 3
Connect, build and start your own forex brokerage quickly and efficiently
Lets begin
With step 1

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